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On the corner of the nine hundred block of Park Avenue stands the New Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church in Hammond, Louisiana.

The history of our church dates back from 1911 until today. In 1911, a group of Christians met at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Jonas Smith along with Mr. Irvin Varnado to begin a prayer meeting under the leadership of Rev. Smith. A brush harbor, a tent and finally a small two-room house at 605 South Cedar Street, now N.A. James Dr., was the place to carry out the mission defined in God’s Word.

After several buildings were later purchased, the old Macedonia Baptist Church was again erected under Rev. A. L. Brazil’s leadership.

Later Rev. T.C. Lee was called to pastorate in 1926.

Rev. J.E. Thornton was called to pastorate for seventeen (17) years and more members made their way to the cross. God enabled Rev. Thornton, members and friends to erect the Old Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church in November 1926.

Rev. E.M. Booker was called to pastorate and served two (2) years and five (5) months. In 1943, Rev. L.T. Williams’ services were secure for two (2) years.

In 1945 Rev J.R. Vernon, Sr. was called to the Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church where he worked faithfully for nine (9) years and was overcome with illness.

In 1954 Rev. Joseph Henry began his service. Coming to us imbued with a rich background and an outstanding leadership ability:  the church grew and expanded exceedingly, financial affairs were uplifted, a church building fund began, auxiliaries and annual days of activities which included men, women and children were established, the church bulletin for Sunday Worship service was begun in 1962, air conditioning units and microphones were installed, and the church was renovated interiorly and exteriorly.

In March of 1957 the first Education Day was held and scholarships were awarded to young church family members attending post-high school institutions of higher education.

The first church souvenir book was printed on October 17, 1971.

On September 26, 1976, the Joseph Henry Fellowship Hall was dedicated; this fulfilled the long-time dream of many. It was equipped with an office, kitchen, library, classrooms and covered walks extending to the church. A committee and plans for a day care center, with assistance from the Humanitarian Society, materialized and was housed in the hall.

On November 7, 1976, Rev. Joseph Henry retired after twenty-two and one-half years (22½) of immeasurable service. Memories of his genuine interest, love, patience and understanding in striving to strengthen our Christians lives will always be treasured.

On November 28, 1976 until February 11, 1979, Rev. Herbert Brown, Jr. was the pastor. Under his leadership: wings of the church were remodeled, the No. 2 Usher Board was organized and many souls were added to the church.

On April 1, 1980, Rev. Joseph Sams succeeded Rev. Brown. During Rev. Sams’ pastorate: the Youth IN Action Group was organized, one hundred (100) chairs were purchased for the fellowship hall, the hall was paid off. Rev. Henry was blessed to participate in the note-burning ceremony on November 15, 1981, an appreciation program was held for Rev. Henry. Rev. Sams preached his final sermon on July 3, 1983.

On July 30 ~ August 6, 1983, the church hosted the 66th Annual Session of the Louisiana Home & Foreign Mission State Convention.

On Friday, September 4, 1983, Rev. Joseph Henry departed this earth for another land; “a city which hath fountains, whose builder and maker is God”.

On November 9, 1983, Rev. Moses S. Gordon, II, became our pastor and he was installed on December 11, 1983.

On Tuesday, April 8, 1986, the Old Macedonia (erected in 1926) was demolished.

On Sunday, April 20, 1986 at 2:00 p.m., a groundbreaking ceremony was held.

The New Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church was completed on Tuesday, January 13, 1987. By the grace of God, on February 8, 1987, we marched into our new edifice. The Entrance and Thanksgiving Services were held for one (1) month: February 8 ~ March 8, 1987. The program was printed in our 2nd Souvenir Book.

In November 1990 Rev. Charles Easely was called to pastorate. He came to instruct and strengthen us with the Word of God.

On February 24, 1992, Rev. Willie Gable, Jr. was elected to the pastorate. He was installed on May 31, 1992.

Pastor Gable also led the church in paying off the mortgage, getting the church financially solvent, getting the church finances computerized.

On April 27, 1997 our first Annual Christian Debutante Cotillion Presentation was held.

On July 27th through August 1, 1997, we hosted, for the second time, the Louisiana Home and Foreign Mission State Convention.

On April 26, 1998, our second Annual Christian Debutante Cotillion was expanded to include selected Christian young men, thereby, the first Christian Debutante Cotillion – Beautillion

Presentation was held.

On September 10, 2004 the Prayer Room was dedicated to the late, Deacon Elijah Plummer.

On Sunday, January 15, 2006, after our 11:00 a.m. Worship Service we parted with Pastor Gable and Family in a Farewell Dinner in our Joseph Henry Fellowship Hall.

Dr. Moses S. Gordon, II, as our pastor-elect and his son, Rev. Moses S. Gordon, III as our co-pastor-elect on July 6, 2006. Dr. Moses S. Gordon, II and Rev. Moses S. Gordon, III were installed as pastor and co-pastor on September 6, 2006.

On February 6, 2011 Pastor Gordon II preached his farewell sermon.

On November 29, 2011, Rev. TaMarlon T. Carter was elected to the pastorate. He was installed on January 29, 2012.

On May 7, 2017, Rev. TaMarlon T. Carter preached his farewell sermon.





Our vision is to win souls for Christ, disciple the saved and spread the gospel in the community.  Our goal is to be led by God through prayer to build the Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church family so that each member will care for the other and to have a church that is known for integrity.  Our goal is to feed this church through spiritual formation, worship, evangelism, fellowship and service. Our goal is to be a tithing church and to reach out in a benevolent manner to those in need.


Wallace Dalton – Chairman

Alfred Wells – Co-Chairman

Alfred Wells – Treasurer

Clemint Carr

Willie Daniels

Reginald Guidry

Eddie Robinson


Jannie Wells


Bernice Harrell


Alfred Wells


Johnathan Moore


Geraldine Bennett


Natasha Hing


Ashante' Robinson


Jonathan Allen

Dorian Tobias



Donald Harrell

(985) 345-9583


Jonathan Allen – Percussionist

Justin Green – Guitarist

Johnathan Moore – Organist

Dorian Tobias – Guitarist

(985) 345-9583



Diane Carr


(985) 345-9583


Tylynn Guidry


(985) 345-9583